Mail bag: 10/17/24

Cartoon accurate

Dear Editor:

RE: “Disgusted,” Oct. 10, 2024.

I will respectfully disagree with Tim Wood’s assessment of the caricature of Donald Trump in the Sept. 26 issue of the Advertiser.

I believe it is an accurate depiction of the man. In fact, I will borrow a phrase from Mr. Wood’s letter to describe how I feel about Donald Trump: he is a “humourless, hateful, demeaning and offensive” human being. 

He has (almost) single-handedly brought U.S. political discourse to its all-time lowest levels. I cannot think of a single redeeming characteristic of the man.

Hopefully “our cousins to the south” will show him the exit on Nov. 4 and sweep him into the dustbin of political history where he belongs.

Michael Vasil,

‘Upgrades’ needed

Dear Editor:

We need some upgrades performed on Centennial or Confederation Park on Queen Street East in Fergus.

There used to be a park for children to swing, two slides to use and these little animals that bounced or rocked. All that is gone.  We had picnic tables. All are gone, except one that floats around.

The landscape was done, now the green lawn is getting smaller and smaller. It’s like the grass cutters are leaving grass, weeds and trees to grow.  

I saw a family trying to have a picnic. After all it has been advertised as being close to Belwood Estates/Geranium for picnicking.  They had to sit on the ground. No benches or picnic tables. Where was the floating picnic table? It was totally unavailable that day.  

Why is this park not kept-up?  We do not even have a bathroom for visitors. Yes, we have one in the so-called Visitors Centre in downtown Fergus. No one staffs it and there are out-of-date information pamphlets and dead bugs the last time I looked.   

People walk through on an unpaved path. They bring chairs sometimes to sit. They bring kids to fish and dogs for a walk. It is a needed park that needs improving.  

Mr. Mayor and township councillors, please invest in this park. Please add this to your next meeting. You have invested in a self-cleaning bathroom and now a proposal is in the works for Bissell Park. 

Please think of the visitors here and improve Fergus’ parks.  

Lucy Dyment,