‘Look after our doctors’

Dear Editor:

Currently the provincial government is in negotiations with our doctors on a new contract. I will be honest, I rarely go to my doctor, but when I have to I am so very grateful to get good, caring service.

We are so blessed in this area with so many fine doctors who give of their time, energy and knowledge to make our lives better. 

I believe family physicians are one of the hardest practices to run and to maintain. We ask for healing on everything from a rash to broken bones to heart attacks, and we are so lucky to have good hardworking doctors who truly care about us and our families and our friends.

Family medicine, pediatrics and emergency room medicine all need more support from our government to be able to deliver the kind of medicine we need as a community. 

I’m hoping Doug Ford will step up and lead in this area and give the doctors the support that they need. Until now, this has not been the case. I honestly don’t care about reinstating paper bags in the liquor stores that you have been championing. Look after our doctors and they will look after us – and you – in times of need.

Premier Ford, please negotiate fairly with our doctors. Our lives and well being depend on it!

Brenda Chamberlain,