‘Let down and ignored’

Dear Editor:

I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at the Fergus sportplex on April 5. It was a well organized and professionally conducted event.

Recently, through social media I became aware that my second dose appointment details would be emailed or texted to me between June 14 and 16 (later changed to the 14th to the 18th on the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) website.

By June 18 I had not received the promised communique from WDGPH. I have attempted calling the phone numbers they provided for assistance many times without success; they simply automatically hang up.

I am a concerned citizen who feels let down and ignored by my health system, and I can relate that others have experienced similar issues.

I continued calling the WDGPH  phone numbers on Saturday and Sunday with no success. I also tried the WDGPH postings on Twitter, but without the required confirmation email or text, that I never received, there was no way to make an appointment with the weekend pop-up sites in Orangeville and Guelph.

But all was not lost.

On Sunday I discovered through Vaccine Hunters Ontario that appointments were available at the David Braley Health Science Center in Hamilton. So rather quickly I drove down to Hamilton and received my second dose of Moderna vaccine.

Thank you, Hamilton.

John McWhinnie,