‘Left-wing extremists’

Dear Editor:

RE: ‘Hypocrisy,’ June 27.

How do you converse with someone who prefaces their thoughts with “I believe such and such is not about debate”? You can’t, there’s no room for debate with that logic, the conversation is over before it begins.

But, sadly, that’s how a lot of left-wing extremists “debate” all kinds of important things, just like LGBTQ issues. They only want you to adopt their ideologies without hesitation because it is right in their own eyes, and anything else is bigotry, racism, exclusion, etc., hence Pride month.

That’s where I have a problem with Michael von Massow’s ideas.

I don’t want mental struggles or suicide in our society either! I think they are a travesty, but to understand why they happen, we need to discuss the root of the issue. This is where many struggle with the truth. 

Now about the statutory Christian days, if anyone proposes to axe Christmas and Good Friday as a statutory holiday to save some money, then have at it! That’s not going to stop me from celebrating the birth and death of Jesus Christ!

Doug Vanderveen,