‘Learn from mistakes’

Dear Editor:

To all the unconstructive voices and opinions on the “the fight at CWDHS.” Stop, do you want to be judged so harshly? Who here has not done or said something that they wished they could take back? Who here has never been angry and lashed out either with their fists or mouth? I know I don’t want to be judged on my worst day! I know I would want forgiveness! To receive forgiveness, you need to demonstrate it. May you and your children not be judged as harshly as you have judged. May you receive grace and forgiveness when you need it the most.

To the children involved. I am sorry that society is not kinder to you and that you are going through this. We all have made bad choices without realizing consequences. Things are not easy during this time in your life. Do not hold on to this moment and let it define you. Who I was as a teenager/young adult, is not who I am now! I made mistakes and I am sorry for them all. Now that I am older, I see things so much differently than I did then.

When you get older you will see beauty where you thought there was none. You will appreciate things you never thought you would.

I do not judge either of you. You both have pain. Release it; saying “I’m sorry” and “I forgive you” is powerful. Real strength is walking away from a fight; it is also forgiving someone for their moment of weakness.

Who you are today is not who you will become. Learn from mistakes and pain, grow from it. Let all moments bring out the best in you.

Amy Page,