Knowing the ‘basics’?

Dear Editor:

Men and women, look at the display ads in the back of the newspapers. It says, Notice. Who puts out these notices? Governments and their agencies at all levels. 

For instance, in the May 16 Wellington Advertiser it states Notice of Public Meeting Regarding Development Charges, date, time, place. It is an offer to contract. Any advertisement or announcement is an offer to contract. 

People should ask, “What is in the contract?” Valid contracts need an offer, meeting of the minds, acceptance and fulfillment or consideration if monetary. 

The public meeting fulfills “the meeting of the minds” obligation. Acceptance occurs when men and women pay the newly raised development charges. Protestors are ignored. Why? Because they petitioned, pleaded or begged the councillors not to implement the new charges. Under contract law, that is dishonour. 

Why did they not counter-offer under contract law? Why did they not do a conditional acceptance upon proof of x,y,z? Governments only have authority by “we the people” consenting. Governments are just another business using tacit agreements. Do you know these basics? 

Irma DeVries,