Dear Editor:
I am a volunteer at Wellington Terrace Long-Term Care facility in Aboyne.
Every Tuesday morning, I take several residents out on one of the Terrace’s duet bikes for a short ride. The duet bike was designed in the Netherlands and features a seat in front for the passenger with the biker sitting in the rear doing the pedalling. I regularly receive positive comments from fellow trail users about the duet bike!
For the past three weeks I have repeatedly observed a man on an E-bike passing us on the Trestle Bridge trail at speeds in excess of 30km/h. The trail is used heavily by many people in the community, including mothers with babies in strollers, people walking their dogs as well as joggers and walkers.
I find this man’s E-bike etiquette inconsiderate at the very least, and potentially hazardous, at worst. As we crossed the road before heading back to the Terrace, we looked at the sign indicating appropriate usage of the trail. Motorized vehicles are not permitted by the GRCA.
It could be reasonably argued that a bike going more than 30km/h is indeed “motorized”, in this case, by a battery.
Behaviour such as this E-biker demonstrates needs to be curbed so that everyone using the trail can have a pleasant and safe experience.
Craig Cameron,