‘How would you feel?’

Dear Editor:

Re: Drinking and driving, Oct. 31.

Impaired driving remains to be the leading cause of criminal deaths in Canada. Many families are torn violently apart because of impaired driving. Beyond death and the physical injuries, the victims horribly endure mental trauma, such as anxiety, depression and PTSD. 

Do you want to be the cause? Do you want to tear families apart and be the cause of the grief and trauma the victims have to endure? 

The Advertiser’s “Drinking and driving” section only states the few that ended okay. No one was hurt, no one was killed, but the drivers were caught, thankfully. 

Now don’t think that because no one was hurt, you can do it. You can’t!

I am a 17-year-old driver. I want to live. I want my friends, my family to live. Don’t drink and drive. Think of your family and friends; what would you do if one of them was killed by an impaired driver? How would you feel?

Don’t be the cause, stop the cause.

Lauren Vanleeuwen,