Dear Editor:
RE: ‘Mockery’ to veterans? (July 13).
I read Comrade Manley’s letter about the sign across the road from the Fergus cenotaph and decided to go over and look at the sign in question.
Attempting to keep an open mind, I stood reading some names on the cenotaph and then turned to face the roadway. I did indeed feel a surge of horror and disbelief.
The sign’s coloration of mainly black with letters in white, are reminiscent of some kind of dark foreboding event.
Certainly, the person that dreamed up this idea needs to spend a couple of weeks in Normandy, taking a look at some of the quite dramatic war cemeteries, with grave markers stretching as far as the eye can see.
Certainly, something needs to be done here. This is not the place for this kind of thing.
Malcolm McCulloch,