Hates squirrels

Dear Editor:

RE: Save the squirrels, June 13.

If I was Sebastian Krewenki’s teacher I would be assigning top marks to him for eliciting a response to his letter to the editor.  

I hope with all my heart that our municipal representatives never take any action to increase the life span or to reduce the mortality rate of any squirrel anywhere.

Sorry Sebastian, but I hate squirrels.  That animal has cost me thousands of dollars in repairs and in lost energy production revenue when they took up residence in my solar array and proceeded to chew through the wires and controllers.  

Despite measures taken to prevent this from ever happening again, I will still admit to some vengeful delight when I aim my car for any squirrel that hesitates while crossing the road. You’ll never see an “I brake for squirrels” bumper sticker on my vehicles.

Good job writing your letter, Sebastian. I hope that you keep expressing your opinions in our community.

David Fast,