‘Gracious patience’

Dear Editor:

I have a humourous story to tell. My wife and I were on a morning walk. We were on the sidewalk and coming towards us, on the same sidewalk, was a woman walking her dog. Both my wife and I, and the woman and her dog, did the gracious thing and stepped into the street to make sure there was social distance between us as we passed each other. It was almost a variation on the “you go first”, “no, you go first” comedy sketch.

It got me thinking of the times, in recent weeks, that I have noticed people being gracious. Allowing others to go first. Waiting for someone to move before getting what they want. Holding the door open for the other so they do not need to touch the door handle. Telling someone they can take their time; they don’t need to feel hurried. And on and on it goes.

I hope that as restrictions are loosened, we will remain people who show honour to others. May we continue to live with gracious patience and gentleness in our interactions with others. Even if sometimes it looks like a comedy sketch.

Peter Bush,