
Dear Editor:

It’s so frustrating! I’m trying to do my bit to slow climate change by putting solar panels on my roof, installing battery back-up for when the sun isn’t shining, changing how I heat my house to using a heat pump and buying a plug-in hybrid car, and as a result, my personal carbon foot-print has dropped from over 7 tonnes to under 2 tonnes of CO2 per year. 

But the Liberals have wiped that out many times over by allowing the Bay du Nord oil development project to proceed. And the Conservatives are just as bad or worse. They want to build a pipeline across Canada to the east coast, so they can supply natural gas for the Ukraine. By the time it is built, if they manage to get it through Quebec, the Ukraine and Europe will have switched to renewable energy. 

What don’t the Liberals or the Conservatives understand about the climate emergency and the need to get off fossil fuels now?

It’s not only frustrating, the politicians and the greedy fossil fuel companies want me to pay for killing the planet with my taxes!

Ron Moore,