‘Form of control’

Dear Editor:

The mere notion of requiring a clean bill of health for services – or denying services in this country based on “perceived ill-health” has a long, shameful history, one exacerbated by the current abject fear of the coronavirus.

Justification of vaccine passports is weak at best, when one considers the alternatives available for mitigating disease transmission (i.e. – mask wearing, social distancing, hand washing, following various protocols that we have been doing). Media has relayed these protocols over and over. We get it and for the most part we are doing it.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused significant challenges for government and private enterprise alike. But those challenges should not be used as a pretext to worsen inequalities or backslide on civil liberties. Especially when reasonable alternatives exist.

Every person should be allowed to decide for themselves if they do or do not want to take the COVID-19 vaccine. If I decide not to take the vaccine, my ability to travel within Canada or outside of Canada for a vacation should not be restricted just because I felt that the vaccine was not for me. Each individual should have the right to decide what is best for them. We are all unique in our own way. No one knows more about our own health than we do.

It has been a trying year for us all. The majority of deaths from COVID-19 has been seniors living in long-term care. I believe all efforts should be directed towards fixing that situation. Better full-time, permanent jobs for PSWs working there, better pay, and more inspections. I personally also believe that “for-profit” seniors homes should not exist. COVID-19 exposed the conditions in these type of homes. We are almost through the second wave and still no significant changes made.

We are all, as responsible citizens of this country, trying our best to follow the rules. The suggestion of even discussing vaccine passports being mandatory, even post-pandemic is ridiculous. What form of control is next?

Meg Young,