Fond farewell

Dear Editor:

I was privileged to have worked at the Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce for 15 years. I have now retired from this role.

To each of the many business owners who dropped by on my last day of work, or before, sent an email, phoned or Facebook messaged – thank you. To those who took me out for a lunch or brought a gift, you have touched me deeply with your generosity and thoughtfulness – sincere thanks to you.

To my fellow ‘chamber maids’, who made it to the surprise dinner arranged by Deb – you have a special place in my heart and I thank you for your friendship. To each member of the board and committees I have worked with for a short time or for many years – thank you for impacting me and helping me to grow.

I look forward to participating in some amazing volunteer opportunities that Centre Wellington has to offer. See you out and about around town.

Roberta Scarrow,