Flag ‘procedure’

Dear Editor:

I was out for a walk recently and noticed an additional flag on the flag pole in front of Arthur Public School.

Our flag is our national symbol and must be flown on a flag pole by itself. No other flag can be flown on the same pole.

As a government institution, I would expect that proper procedure regarding the flag would be adhered to (www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/flag-canada-etiquette/flying-rules.html).

I have absolutely no issue with the flag you are currently flying below our country’s great flag. You need to put up a separate pole.

Please give our flag the respect it deserves. A lot of great men and women sacrificed their lives for this country.

Brent McKee,

*Editor’s note: “The National Flag of Canada etiquette” webpage of the federal government specifically states: “The rules applied by the federal government are in no way mandatory for individuals or organizations; they may serve as guidelines for all persons who wish to display the national flag of Canada and other flags in Canada.”