Fix budget

Dear Editor:

Our prime minister just gave away $500 million to Ukraine. I am not against giving to Ukraine. I have already given a donation for Ukraine. But, I don’t know whether this government Ukraine donation was part of the $60 billion being added to the debt or not? We can’t give, what we don’t have.    

I agree with Pierre Poilievre that the government should suspend their June break and work on the budget and then recess. This is critical. Canadians need to ask Jagmeet Singh to also force the Liberal government to do this if he cares about all Canadians and our democracy. 

We also don’t need virtual House of Commons meetings. These meetings can be manipulated too much in terms of cancelling, transmission, etc. We need to continue with in-person meetings. Running of our country is important and worth our representatives meeting in person.

Singh needs to represent Canadians and help us to get a budget that will help our inflation and decrease interest rates and make the Liberal government accountable for their spending. Do not recess in June but extend the time and fix the budget please.

Carolann Krusky,