‘Failed to listen’

Dear Editor:

I am writing this letter to let everyone know how disappointed I am in how Minto council handled a petition signed by 900 taxpayers. 

When the petition was first presented asking council to recognize all Minto residents in the flags and banners being flown in public spaces, the presentation was hit hard with words like “discrimination” and “hate,” and council did not ask anyone to be respectful but let it fester. 

The petition was aimed at council for spending a lot of time and money recognizing one group in our diverse community, yes that happens to be the Pride group who know how and when to approach council.

Council has announced they cannot support neutral spaces. I hope council has figured out how they are going to let all residents know about the revised commemorative policy and who determines which applications will be recognized. Has this contentious issue been solved with this revised policy? I do not think so. 

Neighbours, families, friends and volunteer groups are going to be discussing how Minto town council failed to listen to 900 taxpayers, for a long time.

Lynda Alexander,