‘Extravagant waste’

Dear Editor:

I am writing in regards to the proposal by Kat  Florence to extend the number of Christmas lights to all downtown Elora businesses next winter. 

I certainly oppose this.

Last Christmas our downtown was ablaze with lights on all the buildings they own. The lights were on every night from 4pm until 8am from December until March. 

I live beside one of those buildings with a narrow space between. Although that side of their building has no windows and doesn’t face the street, the eaves were draped with a multitude of lights from front to back which shone into my bedroom windows every night, all night – so bright I could read by them. I know other residents who have also been treated to the light show.

At a time when we should be conserving our resources this is an extravagant waste of energy and money – money that would be better spent on the many local charities that look after our fellow citizens who are in need of the basic necessities of life.

These benefactors purport to be dedicated to heritage. I might regard this as my heritage if I grew up in Blackpool, England; Coney Island or Las Vegas but quiet, quaint Elora?

I am concerned that very wealthy people can come to a small town and proceed to drastically transform it according to their wishes.

Mary Anne Neville,