‘Evil’ invasion

Dear Editor:

Re: ‘Windbag’ spending, March 6.

Forgetting history does not bode well for the future. Doug Vanderveen writes that Canada is spending “billions more shipped overseas to Ukraine,” it seems that history is not his forte.

I was born in the Netherlands, and I am, and he should, be thankful of the sacrifices Canada made liberating the Netherlands in 1945.  Is he suggesting that Canada should not have participated in fighting World War Two, a war that was started by an evil ruler?

We should heed Michael Lee, who in the same edition of the Advertiser (Sitting on the fence? March 6), wrote “please do this so that Canadians can stand tall in our condemnation of evil, as our fathers and grandfathers did against the Nazi evil.”

Although Lee wrote the statement regarding “condemning Hamas as a brutal evil terrorist organization” in his letter, the same principle applies.

Evil should be condemned, and the invasion of Ukraine was evil, and we should support Ukraine.

Hank Jager,