‘Empty prayers’

Dear Editor:

RE: Deeply concerned, July 18.

Let me reassure Doug Vanderveen: the term “bigot” is not used lightly. It is not a “burn”; rather, it is a condemnation of some peoples’ moral failure – their misconstrued, narrow-minded and, yes, bigoted sense of what is right and wrong. 

The term describes intolerance, an appalling degree of arrogance, and a complete lack of compassion. This is not to be celebrated. It must be countered and logically and morally discredited, then shunned, shamed, and shut out of societal debate. 

The Christian-nationalist views Vanderveen espouses are fundamentally exclusionary, dangerous, and dehumanizing – he and others are actively denying the inherent human dignity of members of the LGBTQ+ community. 

Members of the LGBTQ+ community do not need his prayers, which are materially inconsequential. Instead, we need access to inclusive and appropriate healthcare, access to non discriminatory government services, and the ability to live in a society that is free from public and private discrimination.

Perhaps rather than offering empty prayers, he might strive to work towards a more inclusive and understanding society, instead.

Connor Maitland,
Centre Wellington