Drug pandemic

Dear Editor:

To the church in Canada: It is time to wake up and smell the stench of death left behind by thousands of lonely, aching souls that have looked for a solution to their pain that cannot be extinguished by any safe drug known to man.

Unfortunately, they have found a drug they have been fooled into believing will solve this pain and have found it to be deadly effective. Fentanyl and carfentanil are two of the deadliest. 

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, this pandemic is affecting the health and lives of people from all walks of life, age groups and socioeconomic backgrounds. 

The Christ that we claim to follow has not given us the choice to ignore these people, but to see them all as created in God’s image, as we are. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with them, or not approving of their lifestyle, but ignoring them and disrespecting them is not an option in His eyes! 

I kindly suggest that If we claim to be one of His followers, that we re-examine our lifestyles, making changes to our attitudes and a radical change in how we relate to these people before more lives are lost or this curse enters the four “sacred” walls we worship in.

We could start by leaving these walls, go to where these people are, and getting to know them.

Michael Benson,

New Dundee