Doesn’t like notes

Dear Editor:

Ontarians now required to provide proof of vaccination for restaurants, bars, gyms –,  Sept. 22.

TTC announce mandatory vaccination policy for employees as of Oct. 30 –, Sept. 7.

RBC makes COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for all employees –, Aug. 20.

Workers who resist vaccine mandates may not be eligible for EI, according to feds –, Oct. 21.

Editor’s note: No one is being “forced to take the vaccine against their will.”Wellington Advertiser, Oct. 21.

Looking at the headlines, I shake my head when I hear it said people aren’t forced to get vaccinated when headlines suggest “anti-vaxxers” are looking at mandatory “re-education” or facing other employer discipline including termination for not complying. And now, no EI benefits if you are terminated.

I guess you mean that people aren’t strapped to a table and “forced” to take the vaccine, but I think your editor’s note needs work.

Jason Gibbs,


*Editor’s note: No one is being forced to take the vaccine against their will. It remains a personal choice that may have consequences.