Diverse mix

Dear Editor:

RE: Arts vs. arenas, Feb. 7.

Reading this letter is very disheartening to me, not just because I’m an athlete in our community but because I’m beyond proud of where I’m from.

Growing up in Elora I know how important both the arts and sports are to this town. To put one on a higher pedestal than the other and to critique the whole sports community as “lazy” is unfair and disrespectful.

Elora thrives because of music, arts and sports. Each are incredibly unique in their own way. Our community will continue to flourish with the help of Riverfest, The Centre for the Arts and helping young kids begin their dreams of playing the sports that they love. 

We all want this community to be the best it can possibly be. I am proud to be from Elora because of its diverse mix of musicians, artists and athletes.

Hyatt Welsh,
