
Dear Editor:

RE: Profound disconnect, Oct. 14.

I spent most of my summer preparing for, and then campaigning for the People’s Party of Canada for the Perth-Wellington riding.

Going into the election, I was asked what demographic I felt I could count on the most support from. At that time, my honest response was my generation (Baby Boomers) because, we have seen and felt the greatest erosion of our freedom, and would be most motivated to see our freedom returned to us.

Outside of a few amazing exceptions, I could have not been more wrong with my prediction.

To say I am disgusted with my generation and its narcissistic determination to self preserve at any cost is actually misrepresenting my opinion to a watered down version of how I actually feel.

Having read Richard Giles’ letter (Profound disconnect, Oct. 14), there are a few tells with regards to his representation of my disgust. Number one Giles’ flippant justification for the disparity between private and public sectors. There is such a thing as fiscal responsibility, and to continue the existing policies of using borrowed funds to prop up our governments and the public sector, is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme, and fiscally irresponsible, period

The People’s Party of Canada, with which Giles disagrees with 100%, was the only Party that offered Canadians equitable solutions to the irresponsible management we have been suffering under, yet he offered up pixie dust to resolve the “question by democratic voting” with regards to the bloated public sector.

With regards to Giles’ flippant “support of small business,” another tell with regards to his ignorance. Sure, restaurants and service businesses require additional layers of “protection” that are “freely” available at significant cost to the business with little or no cost to the patron. What Giles obviously does not understand is the tough choices these businesses had and are having to make. I know one business that had a choice between selling a house to have enough reserve to stay in business, or not selling their house and going out of business.

I will agree with Giles with regards to being in the middle of a “pandemic.” The issue is how best to move forward. Living in perpetual fear of this thing is not the answer. Allowing government to take our rights away, then agreeing to conditional return of our rights (vaccine passport) is not the answer.

One more thing I think Giles should be aware of: the PPC earned 10% of the vote in Perth-Wellington. That means that out of 10 of his neighbours in his Ivory West Wing, one feels disenfranchised enough to support a party he is 100% against.

Wayne Baker,
Wellington North