Dear Editor:
Feb. 19, 2022 will go down as a day in infamy.
I am not going to mince words here, the time for that is long past. After proclaiming the introduction of the Emergencies Act (formerly and more appropriately called The War Measures Act), Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared war on his own people.
That is right, every one reading this paper, and every Canadian citizen who is not part of the “chosen few” is now at war with our government. Our rights to free speech, free peaceful assembly, peaceful demonstration, heck even our own money have been taken away from us if the prime minister gets his own way.
Anyone with any sense of justice and fairness should be scared to their wits end, I know I am. This means we can no longer trust our government(s) or any of its/their agencies. Police have lost all credibility, media especially the CBC have lost what little credibility they did have. Because we are deemed the enemy, we have to view any government institution as our enemy, and therefore must be either unresponsive to those institutions or extremely wary and uncooperative.
What the government has done with its declaration of the Emergencies Act on its own citizens is introduce anarchy into our peace loving nation.
I don’t care what side of the political spectrum you align with, after the actions taken by police in Ottawa, we as Canadian citizens are all being massively assaulted by our own government.
By the time this letter is published, we will know the sitting MPs who have declared war against their own people. May God have mercy on them, and may God return Canada to its rightful status as the “true north strong and free.”
Wayne Baker,
Wellington North
*Editor’s Note: The Emergencies Act is subject to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Any action taken through the act must respect Canadians’ constitutional rights, under the terms of the legislation.