Debate weary

Dear Editor:

I have become weary of the continued debate and lack of action regarding the disastrous effect of climate change.

The only thing that the majority of scientists have gotten wrong is the overwhelming speed at which this is happening! The dialogue should be finished and concrete action underway. 

We are close to the point of no return when future action is unlikely to gain a positive outcome. This is an emergency of such magnitude that we should expect all political parties to work together to protect us. Every citizen should be marching to demand action and alternatives. Our first question to any political candidate should be “Is climate change your number one issue?” and “What concrete actions do you support?”

This is a matter of life and death for our children and grandchildren and if we fail to demand and support action, then human extinction is what we deserve, however our children should not have to face this due to our selfishness.

I have nothing but admiration for the 16-year-old Swedish activist, Greta Thunberg who demands we “act as though our house is on fire – because it is.” Meanwhile the supposed adults are arguing over what colour to paint the living room!

Sue Braiden,
