‘Deal with it’

Dear Editor:

RE: Minto residents receive anti-Pride flyer in mail, July 11.

Personally, I take no issue with anyone who identifies with 2SLGBTQIA+ or otherwise and do not identify with a group.  I stand firmly against the indoctrination of children and misrepresentation of the majority.

Pride doesn’t represent culture or diversity. Inclusion of everyone provides diversity by default.  

Mayor Dave Turton and council have graciously heard delegations regarding this issue but failed to comprehend and apply neutrality, stating they can’t provide a bylaw that allows banners/flags/sidewalks to remain neutral; totally missing the meaning.

As a Minto taxpayer I don’t want my community suggesting I support the beliefs aligned with Pride and I don’t expect them to support mine.

Deputy mayor Jean Anderson stated the issue is “tearing the community apart.” It is indeed creating division as council has catered to a category.

Categorization is division. When done to individuals hostility ensues. Council failed to comprehend and appropriately apply neutrality; now to admit and deal with it. 

Bonnie Hollinger,