‘Deafening’ sound

Dear Editor:

Now that the excitement and fun has passed, it is time to look at the events of the Meadows Music Festival at the Fergus sportsplex grounds May 31 to June 1. 

While the economic benefits to the town and the strong interest from folks near and far is very positive, there are things to learn from the way it was conducted. For those not immediately attending, and for many living in town and nearby, the sounds were a thunderous cacophony during both days until very late at night. 

There must surely be conduct rules enforced by the township and sportsplex administration for the organizers, but apparently these were not in place or ignored because the impact on townspeople in their homes was seriously disruptive to whatever they were doing with family and friends. 

I would suggest that a thorough review of the conduct of this event be carried out by council and necessary changes made to control subsequent festivals or similar events. This should include the decibel control of stage sound amplification level and the placement of the stage so that it reduces the impact of noise projected into Fergus. For those of us in the proximity of a half to one mile from the site, even with doors and windows tightly shuttered, the noise was deafening and totally inappropriate. 

Let’s do a better job and incorporate thoughtful consideration for others not at the event and living close by.

Peter Little,