Clout questioned

Dear Editor:

There has been ongoing discussion and opinion articles regarding the proposed Canada Food Guide, which is set to be released in the spring. 

As a mom who depends on farm fresh products to feed my children, I am left scratching my head at the opposition to highly nutritious animal-based foods such as meat, cheese, eggs and milk. For years we have relied on science-based evidence that such foods are necessary for kids’ overall health and are packed with nutrients they need to grow and develop. 

I laud the efforts to educate people regarding the adverse health effects of processed and prepared foods that are high in sodium and sugars that are causing serious issues especially for our kids – obesity is a huge problem. It is also encouraging to see that the building blocks of healthy families are being promoted, such as home cooking, eating together as a family and enjoying food. 

But it is mind boggling to understand why Health Canada feels the need to push a plant-based diet when people the world over have benefited from delicious and nutritious animal-based foods for thousands of years. There seems to be a concern that the dairy lobbyists have had too much clout for too long – is it now the vegans’ turn?

Joanneke Kottelenberg,
