Climate ‘doomsday’?

Dear Editor:

It is becoming tiring to constantly read articles and letters to the editor bashing governments for not doing anything or enough about climate change. Governments are elected by the people and reflect the people in their policies and actions.

I frankly don’t think people in general really believe the “climate change disaster coming upon us” sermon. Either the climate change preachers are bad orators with a suspicious message or the people simply are not willing to change their life style. I think it is both. 

The climate change message is based on computer modeling. It has to be since scientific weather records only go back about 200 years. We are told by the universities that the Earth is over four billion years old. Two hundred years of records would not even be a blip on a graph for that length of time. 

How can a sensible person believe anyone could predict with any accuracy what the climate will be even ten years, let alone a hundred years, from now? When people consider if they are going to be alarmed enough to change their lifestyle, I think they are subconsciously disbelieving the climate change preachers. It is clear the public are not alarmed or simply don’t care. The yearly increase in carbon emitting airplane travel is testimony to that.

They have good reason to disbelieve. More than 50% of scientific studies published in peer-reviewed journals could not be replicated. There are quite a number of reasons why. The hypotheses were false to begin with. The results were false. Only experiments with a positive outcome are published even though similar studies were negative. Scientists fudge results because they have to publish or perish. There is deliberate fraud.

Also, peer review keeps unpopular ideas from being published. Senior scientists mentor the new generation and control which experiments and ideas are funded by the taxpayers through governments. So many times the press crows about some scientific study which turns out later to be totally false. 

The public consciously and unconsciously becomes skeptical of any findings which will affect them personally.

If the climate change wise guys are frustrated by public resistance to their doomsday message, all I can say is they brought it on themselves.

As for myself, I am concerned about plastics pollution. Now that is something to set your teeth into considering that microscopic bits of plastic have been found in the flesh of fish. We are eating our own garbage. 

Get the government to do something about that.

Jane Vandervliet,
