Christians marginalized

Dear Editor:

RE: Religious freedom, Feb.  21.

I commend Jan Kaikkonen for her letter, in which she has rightfully noted that Christians in our nation are being marginalized and centred out because of their biblical and personal beliefs.

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms has been interpreted to uphold the rights for certain groups and selected activities in public, but have not shown the same respect toward those confessing a Christian mindset.

For years Christian principles were taught and upheld in our country and the founding fathers helped establish Christian governance.

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson in 1911 stated that, “A nation that does not remember what it was yesterday does not know what it is today, or what it is trying to do.”

Have we lost sight of what our founding fathers envisioned for our nation when they named it, “the dominion of Canada”? Dominion refers to psalm 72, verse eight: “He shall have dominion from sea to sea”; Verse two states that we are to, “give the King thy judgments and thy righteousness unto the King’s son.”

These verses affirm the rules of the Christian God over the nations, over the people and the territory.

They are engraved on the exterior wall of the Peace Tower and the Centre block of Canada’s Parliament Buildings. Their relevance is a public call that applies to civic leaders to govern the nation with submission and obedience to God’s law.

Until we return to ruling the nation according to the justice and righteousness of the true King of the universe, there will be no lasting peace or good governance.

Pat Woode,
