Dear Editor:
As a citizen of Centre Wellington, I must stress my anger over the lack of concern by the groundskeepers of Belsyde Cemetery. I have bitten my tongue for the last five and a half years, but today I cannot keep silent. The cemetery is a place where we lay our loved ones and it is meant to be a place of respect. Well, that is definitely not the case! On Monday, the grounds looked like a hayfield waiting to be baled. There is no need for globs of grass to be left in rows or scattered about. There hasn’t been any inclement weather preventing staff from mowing the grass. If the grass is too long, maybe someone should rake it or perhaps get a bagger. What was there on Monday was awful!
I have seen how those who ride on the lawnmowers rush up and down the rows between the tombstones with no concern for stones or debris that shoot out and damage/chip the monuments, our sons’ included. I have seen the mowed grass left lying there to decay and nourish the ground, but the amount on Monday, was not acceptable.
In an attempt to help out, my husband and I dig dandelions and whipper snip around the sites of our loved ones and those around our sites.
I have reached out to Centre Wellington and the infrastructure department and I have been told a service request will be issued, but I just had to say something as I am sure I am not the only person upset by the condition of Belsyde Cemetery.
Libby Darroch,