Blind idiocy

Dear Editor:

RE: “Hysteria on steroids”? (Aug. 11).

With others, I suggest your footnote (that Over 90% of climate scientists believe global temperatures have increased during the past century and that human activity is a significant contributing factor”) be removed from Jane Vandervliet’s letter. It seems to be a not-so-subtle attempt to discredit the correspondent’s opinion.

The truth is that climate scientists do agree that in 200 years the planet has warmed just over 1C. In more detail we are now 1C higher than the planet’s lowest average temp in the last 10,000 years. We are also 2C colder than the warmest average in the same period.

Overall, we’re in an historic cold period. Given this, one wonders why some extremists have irrational fears of an upcoming hot apocalypse? Frankly, it’s good people are being skeptical of some irrational extremist ideas.

Green extremists never ever talk about the good things fossil fuels have done for us (ie – machine technology, less poverty, living longer, safer and healthier lives, etc.). Reliable energy has given us fantastically powerful tools that tame nature’s threats.

Canadians should watch the EU this winter. It will be a bleak place as they suffer an energy drought thanks to blind idiocy of green politicians who over-invested in unreliable renewables and under-invested in natural gas.

We should be embarrassed that our own federal government (and Quebec) have foolishly canceled and choked numerous natural gas projects (a good fossil fuel). Our massive endless natural gas reserves could have significantly helped friends.

Two excellent “zero emissions” solutions (nuclear/hydro) are always opposed by the Green Party and extreme environmentalists – why? In Ontario that’s nearly 90% of the power in our grid.

Sincerely hoping we wake up soon.

Mike Hall,

*Editor’s note: Most climate change experts agree that a one-degree change in global temperature is significant.