Assertion begs querying

RE: Blind idiocy, Sept. 1.

Interesting that you added a new editor’s note to my last letter that states “most climate change experts agree that a one degree change in global temperature is significant.”

The facts are that over a 10,000-year base there have been periods 2C warmer than now. One wonders what caused that hundreds of years before the industrial age even started – certainly not humans! Maybe Earth has natural changes not yet fully understood.

I suggest you are wrong to undermine opinions questioning if we are in a climate emergency. The assertion itself begs querying.

We must acknowledge the extraordinary, positive impact that reliable energy (nuclear, hydro and fossil) have on daily lives. We live longer, safer lives with way less global poverty.

Many advocate for unreliable energy sources (wind/solar) as the salvation. This is both wrong and foolhardy. Currently it’s also extremely politically dangerous (Putin). Germany (and EU) are having their “cold shower moment” for their misplaced faith in unreliable energy.

At the federal level Canada is looking isolated in not reversing “green” energy choices. With our massive natural gas reserves and soaring natural gas prices, Trudeau doesn’t see a business case for helping Germany (EU) who are in desperate need of long-term security. Trudeau self-professes little interest in economics (so true!).

Mike Hall,