Dear Editor
I must say, I was gobsmacked with Jim Trautman’s letter (Not happy with Harper, Sept 4) describing the Prime Minister as “a liar and power hungry” and that “This country needs a new electoral system where the 70% that vote against Harper have the power and not the 30% minority.”. In reality, the Conservatives received 40% of the popular vote in the last federal election but let’s not quibble about facts. So, which political leader has received 50% of the popular vote in the last 65 years? Jean Chretien? Pierre Trudeau? Louis St. Laurent? Nope, nope and nope. Conservative John Diefenbaker received 54% in 1958 and Brian Mulroney got 50% in 1984. Outside of those two there were none. Period. Chretien averaged 40% in his 3 mandates, just like Harper in 2011. I honestly don’t remember hearing ‘60% didn’t vote for Chretien therefore he has to adopt non-Liberal policies’.
Power hungry? That’s for those who want to change our traditional system, out of expediency, simply to suit themselves for their own gain.
Democracy is getting your say, not, getting your way.
Jeff Cormack