Archived Letter – 658

Great news in the latest United Nations climate change report (April 14). It turns out that leaving our kids and grandkids a livable planet doesn’t have to cost the Earth economically.

But there’s a caveat: the UN climate panel says we need to start now with a significant roll-out of green energy solutions, replacing the polluting fossil fuels that drive global warming. The sooner we act, the less costly it will be, and the bonus is priceless – preventing the severest of the predicted climate disruptions that will come our way if we stubbornly stick to business as usual.

What role will Canada play in this transformation? Will we keep our heads in the sand and continue to deny reality? Or, will we show the world we truly care about the future of our one and only planet, and all life on it. If you’re not sure, ask your kids!

Liz Armstrong