Archived Letter – 656

April 10, 2014
Wellington Advertiser/Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

With the recent release UN’s Report on Climate Change, the threat to our well-being and that of the generations that come after us, is becoming ever more threatened. The International Monetary Fund, of all places, is also telling us that the economic impacts of increasingly erratic and extreme weather events are becoming unsustainable.
The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. I think it is time that we try something different; a revenue neutral carbon tax! BC has initiated this approach and seen its economy thrive and there has been an influx of new clean technology businesses in the province.
It’s time that Canada also places a rising fee on carbon to reduce emissions, diversify our economy, create jobs, demonstrate leadership and provide clean technology solutions to developing countries. We can no longer wait – our politicians must act now.

Heidi Matthews,
41 Erinlea Cres., Erin

Heidi Matthews