Archived Letter – 655

Dear Editor,
You continuously put charges against people for drunk driving and other various charges. However does anybody stop and say why? Are the Police trying to destroy these people, who, the majority of them just made a mistake? Some of these people face mental issues as well. People read the paper believe it or not and this is a small community. We live in a society that now says bullying is bad. But does publishing there names before they are guilty not encourage that? What if the police made a mistake? They are human too. Maybe you do because that is what sells. Gossip, bullying with out actually being there, knowing the truth. I understand that most people judge them selves by others misfortunes. Try writing about the good the police do for a person; not enough of that? Ok write about how the police treat people of misfortune; not positive enough? What I do know is that for me, reading about others misfortunes is certainly not positive so I skip that section, other readers should too and maybe, just maybe human interest story can fill that space! Thanks Jason
