Archived Letter – 645

My hat goes off to Toronto constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati for bringing forth the case of Stephen Harper’s appointment of Justice Marc Nadon to the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) for a judgement by that very court.

Following Mr. Galati’s challenge, the Harper government underhandedly attempted to change the rules set out in the Supreme Court Act through an amendment to its bill to implement last spring’s omnibus budget bill. The SCC ruled that amending the Supreme Court Act through a budget bill is unconstitutional and that any such amendment requires an amendment to the Constitution. It also ruled that Justice Marc Nadon doesn’t meet the eligibility requirements under the Act.

It’s time to ask ourselves who is minding the shop. Should we not expect our elected representatives to be vigilant and to uphold the values and rules as set out by our Constitution? Where was Michael Chong in all of this? Why must Canadians rely on an astute citizen to challenge this government’s illegal and unconstitutional actions on his own time and at his own expense?

Pat Martin
Rockwood, ON

Pat Martin