Archived Letter – 531

New Book Release: The Parents’ and Educators’ Manual of Teenage “Rebirth”

Chicago, IL – In his new instructional handbook, “The Parents’ and Educators’ Manual of Teenage ‘Rebirth’: How to Prepare Teens for Victorious Transitions into Adolescence and Beyond” (published by IUniverse), author Bruce G. Bentley helps parents and educators better prepare and guide teens through the three stages of adolescence.

The Manual of Teenage “Rebirth” provides caregivers the principles of adolescent psychology—as a suit of arms—to inform, guide and challenge youth through the three stages of adolescence: early, middle, and late adolescence. With the tools provided in this book, readers will be equipped to help teens develop independence and self-awareness for a strengthened adulthood.

Bentley applies these concepts—along with psychologically pertinent literature—as a pedagogical device to authentic stories of puberty, bullying, aggressive behavior, abuse and suicide. In doing so, he equips readers with knowledge of adolescent psychology, allowing them to present teens with a road map of what to expect and what they can do to help ease the anxieties and fears they encounter in life’s uncertainties.

Kirkus Reviews summed The Manual of Teenage “Rebirth” as: “An insightful book to help parents and educators become smart, sensitive and strong caregivers.” See book review at

The Parents’ and Educators’ Manual of Teenage “Rebirth” by Bruce G. Bentley is available at:;; and

About the Author:

Bruce G. Bentley earned a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago and worked for 22 years with emotionally and behaviorally troubled children and youth. Bentley has also worked in adolescent treatment programs and a therapeutic day school. He lives in the Philippines.

Bruce G. Bentley