Archived Letter – 476

Response to “Clouded Judgement?”

I would like to respond to James Virgin’s letter suggesting that there is still some uncertainty that climate change is being driven by the ever increasing burning of fossil fuels by humans. The documentary referenced, “The Cloud Mystery” was produced in 2008 and did result in some scientific research into the hypothesis being done. The results are summarized briefly on as follows;

“…if the Galactic Cosmic Ray(GCR)-warming hypothesis is correct, this increase in GCRs should actually be causing global cooling over the past five decades, and particularly cold temperatures in recent years.

On the contrary, while GCRs are up, global temperatures are also way up, and temperatures in recent years reached record highs.”

There is no getting around the scientific fact that human activity is rapidly driving the climate towards a wildly uncertain future for all of us, the only real question is will we ever take meaningful action to reduce the impacts on current and future generations?

Glenn Little
Eden Mills

Glenn Little