Archived Letter – 450

Dear Editor: Social media seems to be controlling our lives more than ever before in more than just one way. It has an impact on the topics we discuss, our opinions on certain people and companies, and most importantly, how we socialize with each other. It’s unsettling to see the amount of people that would rather allow themselves to be occupied with their electronic devices than socialize with the people around them. Social networking applications and websites, for example, are very convenient and easy to access wherever you may be. They are addictive, and it’s apparent that they tend to cause frequent distractions for many. As a young student, I feel as if I’m falling into a vicious circle, and adopting a bad habit that the majority of people do on a daily basis. Being brought up in a technology-savvy generation is something I wish I could change. Sincerely, Max Gallagher, St. Catharines, Ont.

Max Gallagher