Archived Letter – 426

Dear Editor: The on going struggle about our pending library problem seems to be frustrating a whole lot of people, including myself. I can’t see any rationale behind the addition proposal to the Fergus branch, but I do like the idea of the library staying in this great town (sorry folks of Aboyne). It still amazes me that even the very concept of adding to a building where there is simply no room to add to was ever even an option. Where there is a public service building, there must be parking nearby for that public, it’s that simple. So for that simple problem I have a simple solution. Be prepared to be profoundly awed. Let us all consider relocating the library all together, keeping it in Fergus that is. How about using a building that is currently standing vacant which also oozes the historical factor. I’m talking of the old High School building. I would love to see my taxes being used on something that will function in years to come and be able to adapt to years beyond my future. What do ‘they’ say in real estate? Oh ya, LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. They might be onto something, unlike our beloved council. Doug Vanderveen Belwood

doug vanderveen