Archived Letter – 412

Dear Editor: This is in response to the letter “Not Really At Risk” July 27, 2012. You are missing the bigger picture of how the cancellation of the SAR’s Program will decimate the growth and stability of agriculture in rural Ontario. It is not only the horse owners and direct workers in the industry with an ORC License who will be affected by the cancellation of slots at racetracks. Most of these people are self employed, live in small town Ontario and support the local businesses. The Horse Racing Industry spends more than $2 billion dollars per year with more than 80% of that money being spent in rural Ontario. This is at Risk. You slammed the American owners contributing to the Ontario Racing Industry. To participate in the Ontario Sires Stakes program the stud must be registered and standing in Ontario. Americans or anyone must purchase, train and sustain an Ontario colt/filly while racing in the program. Anyone from outside Ontario contributes to stabling, paddocking, accommodations and food while they are in Ontario to race. They do contribute to the Ontario economy. It doesn’t matter where the owner comes from, they have to earn a placing in the top five to be eligible for prize money. Ontario Sired Horses are at risk. Every year since the OLG and the Horse Racing Industry made the revenue sharing agreement the SAR’s program has sustained itself and made contributions to benefit both rural and municipal communities. More than 1.1 billion dollars in revenue is generated for the Provincial Government yearly. For an investment of $415 million there is a return of $2 billion in economic growth of rural Ontario. This is at risk. Liberal proposed casinos may employ 4500 people; who will they be owned by. No wonder we have a deficit. It is Liberal numbers that don’t add up. William Pendleton, Orton

William Pendleton