Archived Letter – 411

Echoing “Wrong Waste” (Letter Of August 5, 2012) I applaud you correspondent for his reality check on Mr. Guinty’s latest fiasco regarding his version of Economics, which as we know seems to be different than what the rest of the world understands. His reasons and calculations regarding the stripping of Slots from Ontario’s Racetracks appears to be based on 2 + 2= 3, or is it 5?, of course, it could also be 6. For anyone (other than a committed liberal (such as the letter written that your correspondent was replying) who has the common sense to understand that it is not the taxpayers footing the bill, but those who frequent the tracks and their resident Slot Machines for which the province takes a good chunk of the pie. The real mystery here is why the Conservatives and the NDP are allowing this government to remain in office, especially given we have a deficit as large as the almost bankrupt state of California with a population twice+ of Ontario.

E. Barry Bruyea