Archived Letter – 395

I do consider myself pretty lucky living in Fergus. It is a beautiful small town with lots to offer. Fergus has a great community and I personally am blessed with amazing friends and neighbours. It saddens me that today (Friday June 29th) my son’s scooter was stolen right from our front drive. It was a birthday gift to him and he rides it everyday. He received it for his birthday recently as his last scooter was forgotten at a “friends” house (as many 8 year old boys will do). When he realized it was forgotten he returned to retrieve it (because none of his “friends” had voluntarily returned it for him), but it had some how disappeared and no one had seen it. My question is, how does a parent not notice an item as big as a scooter suddenly appearing??? I definitely notice when items from my children’s friends end up at our house and we promptly try to return them. My son would really like his scooter back and if you happened to take it for a “joy” ride, we would be joyful if you would return it. Just pop it back on the driveway right by the garage and the steps to the front deck……the same place you “borrowed” it from. Thank-you kindly, Jen Mathewson and her very sad 8 year old son.

Jennifer Mathewson