Archived Letter – 388

Re: Erins economic development committee on hiatus, May 25, 2012 I joined the Erin Economic Development Committee February 2011. I was concerned about the high taxes relative to minimal services provided but not well informed. Participating in the Economic Development Committee seemed like a good opportunity to pursue my quest for enlightenment while also contributing to the community. Unfortunately, the Committee suffered from vague terms of reference, no delineated authority, no goals or measurable objectives; it was adrift at sea with no rudder. As the minutes reflect, Committee members repeatedly proposed a meeting with Council to discuss a proper mandate since September 2011. This appeal was continually stonewalled by Councillor Wintersinger. She lauds the Home Show as the one successful thing that came out of the Committee, as well it should since it has had eight years to perfect itself. To me the bigger question is why has there has only been one thing of substance in eight years? Councillor Wintersingers lack of support for Chair Brian Gentles is shameful. As captain of our rudderless ship, Brian did an outstanding job of keeping us buoyant and directing us on a forward course as best he could in the circumstances. He contributed a lot of time, effort and enthusiasm to the Committee, not to mention rallying all the volunteers for the Home Show the last three years. Going forward, it is essential that the Town design an Economic Development Plan for Erin before resurrecting the Economic Development Committee. Having such a plan would provide the necessary framework to define a suitable role and authority for the Committee as well the goals and objectives it should to work towards. Mary Venneman Member of the former Erin Economic Development Committee

Mary Venneman