Archived Letter – 360

Dear Mr. Chong, MP. Viewing the straw bale memorial on highway 7 east has led me to ask some serious questions. First, is it true that in this age of fertility clinics and lengthy adoption wait times, there are approximately 100,000 abortions performed every year in Canada? Is it true that abortions are fully funded, yet we dont require full reporting on them? And finally, is it true that Canada is the only country in the western world without any laws restricting access to abortion? If the answer to these questions is yes then the young people who set up this memorial could actually be called survivors. I am sure that as they toted the bales and planted the crosses they must have realized how precious the gift of life really is. And I am equally certain that they would say, along with John Bradford, English reformer and martyr of the 16th century: There but for the grace of God go I. Sir, I agree wholeheartedly with MP Stephen Woodworths motion for Parliament to study the criminal codes definition of a human being, and to address the topic of the law as it pertains to unborn children. Yours truly, Bonnie Bouwman

Bonnie Bouwman