Archived Letter – 357

Dear Editor, After wiping a few little tears away after reading your awesome article entitled “Books and Ball Hockey” at Salem Public School Encourages Boys to Read”, I thought I would take a moment to say thank you for making this happen in the paper this week. This is an AWESOME article NOT from the perspective of Jackie and Jim trying to grow their new business but from the perspective that we are helping boys to read and our philosophy is always one to give back to the community in which we live. As the parents of two boys we know first hand the challenges in sometimes in getting boys to commit to reading. We are very fortunate to have a teacher like Bryan Farnworth who had the insight to turn a small gesture into a great program and a principal like Saskia Marquis to make it happen! We only hope that other area schools will see the benefit of this program and offer it to their children. Thank you Kelly for a wonderful story. Jackie and Jim Ranahan

Jackie Ranahan