Archived Letter – 356

Watching the Alberta provincial election this week, I was disappointed to hear yet another conservative politician, leader of the Wildrose Party Danielle Smith, vow to stay out of the abortion debate. Stating that the abortion issue has been settled and it is time to move forward, she vowed that her party would not legislate on the issue. Since when has this issue been settled? The Supreme Court did not settle the issue in 1988; it asked Parliament to legislate on this issue. Now, in 2012 there are still no laws regulating abortion in Canada. Zero. An abortion is legal at any time during the whole 9 months of pregnancy and even as long as a part of the baby is still in the birth canal. Babies in the womb are not defined as human beings in Canada until they are completely born out of the mothers body (see Section 223 of the Criminal Code). How many Canadians find that to be an accurate description of a baby in the womb? A non-human. Talk about a human rights violation! Every other democratic Western nation has a gestational limit on abortion; a law that protects babies in the womb. Having a clear and scientific debate on this issue is absolutely necessary. Its urgently necessary. An estimated 500+ abortions after 21 weeks happen every year. Its an estimate because private clinics are not required to report details of the abortions they perform. Babies in the womb are not protected by Canadian law. Does that sound like an issue that is settled to you? Robin Abel Drayton, Ontario

Robin Abel